e20/ Making Ideas Happen (or Getting Sh*t Done)

e20/ Making Ideas Happen (or Getting Sh*t Done)

For our 20th anniversary we decided to talk about how to make ideas happen and get sh*t done. For this we look into examples of companies, and successful creative professionals, who have cracked the balance between the novelty of an idea and execution. Because so often, innovation is overrated and what counts the most is actually great execution.

So, what are you waiting for? Make your ideas happen!

Relax and tune in for some Futurish times with Pete and Gerhard!


Book: Making Ideas Happen by Scott Belsky

Join Gerhard and Pete as they sit down to talk about topics ranging from culture, technology, product design, startups and life in the digital age, whilst they try to maintain some sort of credibility. Drinks will be drunk, long-distance bromance will be maintained and who knows, you might learn something from it.