e17/ Simplify Things

e17/ Simplify Things

Join us for this very groovy episode in which we explore a future in which we will live up to 100-years, or more, and what implications this will have on products and services for such a demographic.

Articles discussed in this episode:

  • E3 2019: https://techcrunch.com/2019/06/14/from-project-scarlett-to-gooigi-the-best-of-e3-2019/

  • Products for an aging demographic: http://tiny.cc/c2hd8y

  • The Paradox of Choice: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Paradox_of_Choice Then we put on our nerdy glasses and take a deep dive into this year’s E3 announcements.

Finally, we finish this episode up as we talk about the importance of simplifying things in life, because the illusion of choice is a paradox anyways.

Relax and tune in for some Futurish times with Pete and Gerhard!

Join Gerhard and Pete as they sit down to talk about topics ranging from culture, technology, product design, startups and life in the digital age, whilst they try to maintain some sort of credibility. Drinks will be drunk, long-distance bromance will be maintained and who knows, you might learn something from it.